Tuesday, 27. March 2007

chapter eighteen and following!

Jamie's father worries about Jamie's health and he wants to know where he is, so he asks Spider, if he has got an idea, where he could be.
Along the way, Jamie writes a letter to his parents, he doesn't want them to worry much about him, so he says, that he's fine.
After that, Jamie is going to meet the men at the car but the men bash Jamie again, so Jamie impends that he has got a video of them which he would give to the police, if they woun't let him go out of the car. Jamie says that he filmed them when they were at the school, so the two men were gone at the next morning.
Jamie searches for Abby and suddenly she explains, that her baby is coming soon. Jamie helps her a lot and cares about her while she gives birth to the baby.
Abby calls her baby, who is a little girl, Jamie and she gives Jamie to thank him for helping.
In the next morning, they hit the road to Cumbria...

the story is going on...(chapter fourteen and the following)

After Jamie run away from home, he's in the town with Abby. Both induce a talk, which is very important, because Abby mentions, what it's like to be shadow. She explains, that she's living in a shadow and if someone lives there long enough, they become one. So she describes to Jamie, that he's also a shadow.
Jamie tells her that, he run away from home and both search for the sports hall of the school to have the chance to talk undisturbed.
Suddenly, the two man appear at the gym and Jamie and Abby are cached in the changing room. They talk about the mysterious man and Abby explains Jamie, that she owed them money. Jamie is desperate and he doesn't know, what to do next but doesn't want Abby to notice that.
Abby tells that she'll run away from Ashingford, because she would like to go to Cumbria, but it's clear for Jamie, that he wouldn't let her go on her own, so he wants to go with her.
At the next day, the two meet the man again, but at this day, they catch Jamie, while Abby cache herself in a corner. Jamie talks with the menand suddenly he says, that he got the money to pay them off. The two men warn Jamie that he should come to assign the money, without the police. After the men bashed him, Abby is gone.
Jamie doesn't know, how to enrage the money to pay the men off, so he goes to Spider, to ask him for help. Jamie knows, that Spider conserves a lot of money to buy a car but now he needs the help of his friend. Jamie doesn't want Spider to get into danger, so he doesn't say, why he needs the money but Spider trust Jamie, so he's inclinable to give the money to him.

chapter eleven to fourteen!

In those following chapters becomes clear, that also Jamie's mother is pressured by his husband. Jamie's mother is more and more chary, so that Jamie notices, that something isn't alright with her.
Jamie's father talks again about his association when he thinks about Jamie and squash. He wants him to bring more accomplishment.
In another situation, Jamie meets the two men again, who tell him, that he should apprise them, if he would see the girl.
After that, Jamie's father commits a big fault. Jamie and his father are at the gym, where Jamie should work for his endurance. When the father sees Danny, Jamie's rival at the gym, he starts activating a contest, between the two boys, while sitting on there bikes.
It's hard for Jamie to win this contest, so he breaks down. His father pressured him so much that it becomes dangerous for his health.
After this event, Jamie's father decides not to talk to his mum, what happened. he lies and tells his wife another story. But Jamie really bothers about what happened, so he wants to tell the truth.
So Jamie decides to tell the truth and after that, he announces that he'll stop playing squash. His father is really shocked about this advice, so he belts him and after that, Jamie gets out of his family house.


I'm very sorry, because I haven't written for so long. But I think that's not only my fault. Because of all these class excercises, I was willed to prepare a lot for school. This claimed most of my time at home but they are over now, so I'll have more time to continue concerning with this weblog and with the story of Jamie and Abby.
On Friday, I have to deliver my weblog to Mrs. Kühne, so there are four days to finish the weblog.
I should stop writing about those unimportant things and maybe I should start now with the real task...

Come on!

shadows created by carmen

about the extraordinary story of a boy...

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